Remember when Cherry Hill had a terrific public school system? When honest hard working people were in leadership roles? You remember them -- the administration that cared about the education of ALL of Cherry Hill's children. The administration that admitted that they occasionally made mistakes, but more importantly learned from their mistakes and strived to do better. The administration that realized that we were paying them through our tax dollars for these important services for our children. They weren't merely entitled to their salary -- they earned it.
Well, it seems that something strange has happened in our town. Our administrators were replaced by a group that must be some alien life form. This is a group that apparently never makes a mistake, so there is no incentive to do better. They no longer seem to care about the young minds they are charged with educating, especially when it comes to our special needs children. They do not seem to care if our children make any measurable progress, but focus more on finding innovative ways to get out of providing an appropriate education. They no longer earn their salaries but rather feel they are entitled to them. They also have little or no regard for taxpayers that are footing the bill for these pricey salaries!
I read a headline in yesterday's Courier Post "More School Officials Join 200 Club." The article went on to mention that David Campbell, Cherry Hill's Superintendent is earning just over $237,000 per year. I remembered it being around $220,000 so I was a little surprised by that figure. I did a little research and found his contract (click here to view it). His base salary for the 2006-07 school year was $220,000.00. During the 2nd year of his contract, 2007-08, he was entitled to an increase that was contractually agreed upon, between 3.5 and 8%. From what I understand, this was based on performance goals that he needed to meet, which included progress towards the accomplishment of district goals. Even though it does not appear that all of the goals were met, especially not in terms of Special Education -- meeting IEP requirements, compliance with State Laws and IDEA; the Board of Education still voted to give him the maximum increase. So yes, we paid this man $237,600.00 for the 2007-08 school year.
In addition to his very large base salary, our superintendent enjoys the following: An automobile allowance of $375.00 per month, which equates to $4,500.00 per year. The luxury of fueling his vehicle 3 times per month at the districts Marlkress facility. I am not sure what our Superintendent drives so I am unaware of the fuel tank capacity in his vehicle, but if I am contributing to the $375 per month, it better be something nice! Let's assume he has a 20 gallon gas tank. At $4.00 per gallon, this equates to $80.00 per fill up. Times it by the 3 times he can refuel and we are looking at an additional $240.00 per month. Over the course of a year, that is an additional $2,880.00.
His medical benefits were contractually agreed upon as Major Med/Hospital with full family coverage. I looked into the cost of this on the school district's website and found that we are paying approximately $18,344 for these medical benefits. (You can view this here.) He is also entitled to Dental Coverage with full family coverage which costs us $1,364 according to the school's records and we also pay an additional $4,939 for his prescription benefits and $85 for his vision plan. His total benefits package adds up to: $24,732.oo. I'm not saying we should begrudge him health benefits, but I keep thinking back to what our teaching staff went through in negotiating their contract!
We also pay (or reimburse) David Campbell for his premium cost of Life and Disability Insurance at an annual rate of $9,800.00 per year! And if he has the misfortune of having to file for Worker's Compensation, we have covered that as well, because we contribute $1,830 per year to Worker's Comp premiums.
We also cover the cost of his cellphone. According to the report referenced above, the cost is $768 per year. We also pay an amount for meals and travel at an estimated rate of $2,200 per year and $3,655 in Professional Membership Fess (NJASA and Garden State Coalition).
Let's do some math: Base Salary of $237,600 + Auto $4,500 + Fuel for vehicle $2,880.00 + Medical/Dental/Rx/Vision Benefits totaling $24,732 + Life Insurance Premiums $9,800.00 + Worker's Compensation $1,830 + Cellphone $768 + Meals/Travel $2,200 and Professional Membership Fees of $3,655. Guess what folks, our superintendent costs us $287,965.00 for one school year when you add it all up! How generous of us to only require that our superintendent work 217 days per year, when our other administrators have to work 222 days per year!
And it gets even better -- Next year he is eligible for another $19,008.00 for "meeting his performance goals" which we seem very laxed about these days!
I am not saying that a good superintendent should not be paid a reasonable salary -- but is this reasonable? We have children being denied critical services, we have seen programs and supports cut, we have teachers that are underpaid and assistants who have earned less than this man's salary increase as their annual pay!
Here is another kick in the pants -- Dr. Campbell is also receiving the standard perks of 25 vacation days, 12 sick days, and 3 personal days per year. He has a buyback option for Sick Days, which could give him an additional $26,460 and a buyback option for Vacation Days worth $32,400!
Have the Martians invaded Cherry Hill? Well, maybe not, but it seems that some alien life form has come to destroy everything that was once great about our public school system!
I have been waiting to read your take on this story. I saw it in the CP yesterday and knew you would write something.
Where have you been? I check your blog 2 or 3 times a week and noticed you have not been writing.
Where ever you have been....Welcome back!
How do you know where to look for all of this info? You amaze me!
I was angry about the $237K -- but the $287 K infuriates me! I work in this district and don't earn 1/4of that amount.
Nice to read your blog again.
Anon - because I have to be!
Kath, Can you tell us what this is about: " everything is not okay. Cherry Hill School District is screwing with Kathi in unbelievable and unethical ways. Keep her in your prayers and hope that there is a remake of David killing Goliath in Cherry Hill's near future." (comment from your last blog)
We are all in this together and we want to help you!
I was not going to write about this in the blog, but since many others already know about this...and more are asking...
My son has been out of school as a result of significant anxiety. It had been escalating for most of the school year but by March it was pretty bad. He wasn't sleeping or eating and had lost 6 lbs within 2 weeks. He had frequent stomach aches and was crying very often.
He has been too afraid to go back to his school and for some reason he became fearful of certain staff members. I tried to address this and requested that they place him in another school temporarily. I was even willing to do a mainstream placement in his home school with some support. They were unwilling to consider this. They were also unwilling to provide home instruction for him.
By May 9th, after 2 months of battles with the district and having to educate him myself -- I was forced to file for Due Process and Emergent Relief. They decided to file a "disorderly person" charge against me claiming that I was engaging in truancy.
I have to appear in court tomorrow for this.
The main reason that I have not been posting on the blog was because of time constraints. Having to educate my son at home and also squeeze in time to work (an income is real helpful!) it has just left little time for blogging!
Please do not think that the school district has intimidated me. I simply will not allow them to stop me from writing!
Thank you again to everyone that has supported me and my son. Just knowing that so many people care has helped us so much!
Even with all the difficulties you still have a sense of humor. You tied aliens invading Cherry Hill to our chief school admin making too much money. I love your sarcasism!
I plan to be there for you tomorrow and I hope others will join us. You have helped so many with your blog and I feel I owe you this.
Cherry Hill court at town hall at 10:30, if anyone else wants to support Kathi tomorrow, just show up!
I do not live in Cherry Hill anymore but I will be there for you. My husband and I are so upset with the way they treat disabled children and retaliate against parents. It is why we moved from Cherry Hill. Keep your chin up Kathi. You are a great mom and have the support of many people.
Municipal Court is at 820 Mercer Street, Cherry Hill.
So they haven't provided his education for two months??? What about the other stuff like therapy and social skills? They owe him Kathi. You need to file compensatory education claim. They are wrong not you. I wish I knew about court sooner. I would take time from work to be there. I will still try. This is very very wrong that they are saying you broke a law. This should not be in a local court. It is special education. Why is it in Cherry Hill? This has Dizzy Izzy written all over it. She has been after you for so long. What made your boy so scared of school? I would be looking into that if I were you. Something must have provoked his fear. If I can not be there tomorrow I will be thinking of you.
I got the inside "martian" joke! That was too funny Kathi.
I know this story was about the highly paid alien life forms that took over our district but I was not part of the "inside" joke. Can anyone share?
Good luck tomorrow Kathy. We will be thinking of you. You know David knocked Golliath down with one well placed stone to his head! The rest was easy --off with his head!
I can't comment on the martin joke, email Kathi and she'll probably share it.
Kathi, my only advice for tomorrow is don't worry. They have nothing on you. Unless there is a charge for being one amazing mom that unselfishly looks out for ALL of our kids, they can't touch you.
You said: "I am not saying that a good superintendent should not be paid a reasonable salary -- but is this reasonable?"
I think a follow up question might be "Is he a good superintendent?"
I agree that he is paid too much but I think more emphasis needs to be placed on his job performance. He is NOT a good superintendent.
We pay for this guy's gas and car expenses yet we struggle to get our children the services they need. We have to tighten our belts, to meet our expenses and pay our taxes, and we pay for his club membership, too? Boy, this hurts.
Is the rumor true that the charge was dismissed today?
Kathi, It was wonderful to have the opportunity to support you yesterday, and I am sure you are thrilled that the district decided to voluntarily dismiss the charge against you.
Hopefully this is the beginning of your luck and Cherry Hill will even decide to respond to your due process from May 9th. Do you think you should point them to IDEA which indicates that a Preliminary Meeting shall be held within 15 days of receiving notice of the parent's complaint? IDEA = special education LAW. Doesn't not following the law make them disorderly?
Ms. Magee:
The Cherry Hill School District budget is $171 million. This is the equivalent of a $171 million corporation. Are you at all familiar with the salaries of corporate CEOs? Please do the research. I have been in high level management for many years and CEOs are paid at leat 3 times Dr. Campbell's salary. If you simply look at a site like it will show you the median salary without bonus is $600K+. I don't agree with all of Dr. Campbell's decisions but I believe he is paid very fairly. To say anything else without looking at the facts and the marketplace is negligent.
To the last post,
Are you Dr. Campbell?
To the BOE Member that wrote in above (because let's face it only a current BOE member would defend this administration!)--
First, you should consider this: our Governor who has many more responsibilities, is paid $175,000 per year. Is Dr. Cambpell's time somehow worth more than that? I don't always agree with Governor Corzine, but at least he resides in the state he governs! When you have a person draining in excess of $287K from our pockets, he needs to be tied to the outcome and should reside in the state, county or school district that he is monopolizing.
Second, even the Commissioner of Education has an issue with Dr. Cambpell's salary. When top school officials salaries exceed the rate of inflation, there is a problem!
Read more here:
Cherry Hill Public Schools are not a $171 Million dollar corporation that their CEO can toy with, make his fortune regardless of the cost to the stakeholders and then discard. This isn't a disposable job! This is a public entity that we as residents pay dearly for to provide one of the most important services to our children -- that being their education.
Now, if you think I am negligent for reporting what is a matter of public record; how negligent are you to support an administration that violates the law on a regular basis, that allows children to go without critical services, that mismanages public funds, and retaliates against the parents that try to hold them accountable.
By the way, the next time you charge me with something, make sure you have a case against me!
Way to go Kathi!! You tell them! I can not even begin to think how anyone could defend this man's salary. This is one of the WORST administrations we have had. I am so sick of seeing first hand how they are changing the wordings in IEP's, to cut services illiminate 1 on 1's and instead offer access to, just to cut costs! Then I have to see how much money they make? They should be ashanmed of themselves!! Thank you for giving us all a voice!!
Just loved your response - Way to Go !!!!
To the person comparing the CH Board of Ed to a Corporation: What you said underscores the exact problem with the Cherry Hill School System and all too many other school systems. People have foolishly began to treat and run them as corporations where the bottom line is the almighty dollar. It is a public entity that was created to ensure that every child received at best, an adequate education. Unlike corporations, the bottom line was never intended to be based on the dollar. School officials' positions were not intended to make a select group wealthy and bloated. They were created because school systems became so large that they needed organization in order to maintain basic educational standards. What we have now is not what was supposed to be. We now have bureaucrats who earn unreasonable salaries doing what they can to protect their wealth and benefits, even if it means trimming the operating budget and casting off the less fortunate children who need a little extra help with their education process.
An article in the Courier (Cherry Hill Local News) states the district will be discussing a program that will help turn "average" students into "high achievers". This is great BUT.... For Special Education Students we cannot ask for or have programs that help them achieve to their "full potential". As long as our children are in school being "babysat" that is considered an education in Cherry Hill. AGAIN Cherry Hill leaves Special Education and Special Needs Students behind.
They're leaving our children behind, while they are generously padding their own pockets with huge salaries and bonuses. This administration is certainly a disgrace. How low will Cherry Hill sink , before this situation is rectified? If you are a parent of a child with Special Needs that is relocating to NJ....don't even consider moving to this, do not pass go, and do not collect $200.00!!!!!!
Even if they did pass go, they couldn't collect their $200.00. It's in the administrator's pocket!!
I read in the CP that we have another supervisor of spec.ed at almost 100K. Do you think that position will make a positive difference in our childrens' lives? What does the first one do - (beside side with CSTs who don't have clue?)
My guess is that the position was needed since Franklin and Moody have been hauled into court so many times over the last year. In addition to tax payers having to foot the bill for outrageous legal fees and paying Moody and Franklin to defend their poor choices in court, we now have to pay another administrative level salary to be available in their absence.
Oh please! If you parents would stop taking the school to court every time your child wasn't pampered with the extras they receive because they have some stupid disability we could save tons of money. Quit blaming administrators, teachers and everyone else because your kid has an issue and start being accountable for your own children!
What about our kids that don't get catered to? Maybe I want my kid to have some special accomodation that they can't meet in a public school. Do I haul their ass to court for it? No! It's public freakin' school not a private academy. Get over it!
To the reader above:
I would assume that you have been blessed with children that do not have a disability -- children that have the skills to know how to ask for help, perhaps make a friend, engage in conversation with peers, and participate in the many wonderful things that make childhood, well... childhood!
You obviously do not know what it is like to raise a child that has such severe social and communication impairments that they will never appreciate how wonderful childhood is or should be. You probably have never had the experience of having your child punished for a skill deficit, a deficit that is the result of their overall disorder. You have to keep in mind that these are not trivial disabilities we are talking about. These are often neurological (brain) based disorders. In example: Autism affects the area of the brain that controls social and communication skills. If a child lacks these skills, punishing them is not going to "teach" them the skill. They often learn differently than their typical peers, but still require access to the mainstream so that they can develop peer relationships.
I am sure you have never had to fight to have your child receive an "appropriate" education. I am not talking about an education with all the frills of a "private academy." I am talking about the basic free and appropriate public education for which every child is entitled. Many of the parents that follow this blog have had to fight for that very basic education. That is indicative of a problem. It is also against the law to deny a child (disabled or not) with a free and appropriate public education. While I may not always agree with the decisions made by Child Study Teams or school administrators, at a minimum I expect them to follow the law in providing my child's education and related services that enable him to receive his education.
I am not angry that you are ignorant to these issues. I am very happy that you and your children will have the benefit of a normal life. I encourage you to learn more about the disabilities for which our children suffer. They are not contagious! Once you get to know them I think you will see that these are not "stupid disabilities." I would also encourage your children to learn more about our kids. These children (yours and mine) represent the future and they will have to live and work together as they mature. What greater gift can we give our children than the benefit of a good education and the ability to accept others?
I am a little perplexed by your statement about your child not being "catered to" as I think our school district provides an excellent education to our regular ed population. I have attended BOE meetings and I have seen them work very hard to provide the many beneficial services that your child should be able to take part in. Cherry Hill offers many things to our typical students such as advanced curriculum, sports, after school activities, etc. In terms of the teaching staff, we have some of the best and brightest regular education teachers in the region! We just have to get better at providing an education to the children that require special education services.
Thank you for reading my blog. Although your opinions may differ from mine and other readers, you are welcome to continue leaving comments. Please feel free to ask other readers (or me) if you do not understand our concerns.
Kathi Magee
To the reader regarding " Stop blaming Admininstrators",
Let's me tell you something lady/man: If you are smart person, do the math. Why do the district pay for lawyers to fight with the parents instead of implementing the services for the children? Why do they have to pay $5,000 - $10,0000 for the services only cost taxpayers $3,000 ( not including the fees that the parents have to pay for their own lawyer). Don't you get it? I wouldn't pay $100,000 for Marta Audino, John Moody or Franklin. They are useless & so are you!
To " Stop Blaming Administrators":
Maybe you should educate yourself to some of the issues we are forced to fight this administration for. I will list some of them for you: reading , writing , math, and I will even say the nasty word our Child Study Teams never want to hear "curriculum". We are looking for nothing more than an appropriate education that any child in this district deserves. The only difference is that it is never "free" to the parents of children with Special Needs.
To the reader re: stop blaming administrators... I have been blessed with "typical" children, but I have seen how hard it is for parents' of special needs children to get the FREE public education they deserve! If the school board would give the programs these children are entitled to, the parents wouldn't have to take them to court!As for your comment "some stupid disability" that just shows your iggnorance towards something you don't understand. Try spending time with these children. They just might TEACH you something!! I too am not angry at you, but I feel sorry for you. And on a last note, I hope to God you are not employed by our district.
Mrs. Magee:
I have been following this latest string of responses. You were so kind to the person attempting to blame parents that take CHPS to court for failing to provide FAPE.
The children with disabilities are entitled to receive the same great education that we provide all students in Cherry Hill. As a teacher I hold myself accountable if they do not receive it. I am pleased that parents are holding our supervisors accountable for their actions.
This person that wrote in above deserved to be put in his/her place and you did something even greater by forgiving their ignorance. You are a very special person and many parents and teachers support your amazing efforts.
Still Anon!
Still Anon:
I have to admit, I learned the fine art of diplomacy from a teacher!
I think our teaching staff overall is very good and it pains me to realize that this may not be the situation in future years. Thanks for your continued support of our children and for following my blog.
You can "still" remain "anon" and the readers here will never question your identity. We as parents know what retaliation is like!
Thank you again!
To Stop Blaming Admins: I am angry at you for assumming so much about parents that take our school to court when they violate the law. If someone violated the law when dealing with your child I would expect you to do the same. The words from that teacher should explain it all.
When the budget was not yet BOE approved, and the new Supervisor of Special Education position was introduced as a $100K position, a BOE member asked if that included benefits and was advised by the administration that it did. How quickly that was forgotten! Or could it be that that position has the worst benefits known to Cherry Hill!!?
To the reader who implies if we parents stop threatening to call lawyers, pursue lawsuits -
Then give us an administration who does something. We all have cut back, why doesn't he? Why should he have both a car and gas? Is he a traveling salesman? Visiting schools should be a requirement of the job.
Why does this board give Campbell a raise when the NJASK scores are not fully released?
Is he doing the job?
When will we see Chapman leave? What does he do? He is the most condescending man. He models obnoxious behavior.
Another blatant exhibit of just how bad Campbell is doing is this simple. Click on High School West summer reading assignment. Then on High School East. If the blueprint for success goal was being obtained, after two years of the English implementation, these summer reading assignments would be identical.
The right hand and the left hand do not know what they are doing. He is charged with uniting curriculum yet West clearly is moving forward with a rigorous summer assignment.
The other is the World Language curriculum in the middle schools. Why is Rosa asking parents to contribute 11.00 for materials and Carusi and Beck are not?
The blueprint for success is a goal that is not measurable. It's only a tool for administration to toot their horn.
People are not listening anymore.
To have autism and other related disorders, means:
You need to say something, express your opinion, express your feelings, ask for help, BUT CAN NOT.
You need to have friends, to bounce your feelings and ideas to, to laugh with, cry with, BUT CAN NOT.
You need to fully enjoy life, the beach, the amusement park, a birthday party, BUT CAN NOT.
You need to be able to read and write and problem solve, BUT CAN NOT.
You need to be able to care for yourself, feed yourself, clothe yourself, provide for yourself, BUT CAN NOT.
This is the reality for all people with developmental disabilities, from the lowest funtioning to the highest of funtioning children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ADD/ADHD, PDD-nos, Aspergers, Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, Tourette Syndrome, and more. Most will never be able to live independent lives.
Ages ago, these children would be removed from society and institutionalized. Today we know these children can learn these skills and with additional assistance, therapies and education, their chances of becoming independent adults has greatly increased.
The same parents that are fighting for the education of their children have also sacrificed their "vacation money, money for that new car, new clothes, or flat screen TV" and put it towards Social Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Vision Therapy etc. etc. etc.
But a Free Education to Disabled Children is NEVER free. 80% of parents of Autistic Children are divorced. Most parents carry second mortgages to pay for therapists and treatments. Insurance Companies don't cover costs.
9 out of 10 people know a person with Autism. One child with Autism is born every 20 minutes. There is no cure, no medical diagnosis. It is more prevalent than Cancer and Aids combined. Yet funding for research is minimal.
It is a reality that is difficult to comprehend unless you walked in those shoes. Please support and get know families and children affected. And don't be afraid to ask questions.
The Martians Have Invaded Cherry Hill and now the Calvary is finally coming
Did anyone else read about the NJ Inspector General coming to review the situation in Cherry Hill.
Goodbye Campbell. Goodbye Izzy. Goodbye Chapman.
What a wonderful way to start the holiday weekend!
Where do we read about it????
Front and center of the district homepage.
It appears that the KPMG report is now no longer available for the public to see on the website.
What a happy day for Cherry Hill. The Mayor was right all along.
Kathi: Did you do this? Did you get them to come to Cherry Hill? You knew about this before it happened! OMG! I love you!!!
That should teach them not to mess with you! Is the "other" plan in the works?
I'm not in the loop as much as I should about this obviously, but what makes the abe anon comment say Goodbye to the administrators?
Glad to see them go quite franklin LOL - but what makes you so sure?
I do not know the Inspector General. I did not bring her to Cherry Hill. Maybe she was bored one day and stopped by to say hello, stumbled upon a big ol' mess and felt it was her duty to investigate the mess makers.
Seriously, I did not have anything to do with this, nor do I have some "other" plan.
You can still access the KPMG Report here:
There was a blurb on the district's website in April that said: "The KPMG report is diagnostic in nature and readers are encouraged to view the report in its entirety rather than taking isolated comments out of context.
(that shot up a red flag for me!)
The website blurb went on to say: "Finally, we note that the report includes no findings of fraud, theft, or misconduct." (Hmmm!)
"After reading through the KPMG report many will be satisfied with the thoroughness. While it was not a forensic audit, it did uncover many issues that the district will have to work hard to resolve."
However, considering the above statement from the school district "we note that the report includes no findings of fraud, theft, or misconduct" it is rather difficult to view the comments in the report in their entirity without "isolating" certain comments.
In the sectioned titled, "Vendor Disbursements, Analysis Point 11- Possible Questionable Payments" there appears to be "Possible Questionable Payments." (see page 54 of the report)
Analysis Point 12 - - Possible Questionable Payments Page 56, references "vendors may be receiving fradualent payments" and "district may be paying ficticious vendors"
Budget (page 141 of KPMG Report)
The district has had significant issues regarding the tracking of the District budget in previous years, which has resulted in a recent surplus of several million dollars.
The report goes on to note some of the concerns as being with the Chart of Accounts, using the required Chart of Accounts to report the budget to the State of NJ, but then using an alternative Chart of Account for internal operations. It also notes some issues with budget forecasting, budget line item transfer issues, as reasons for budgetary issues.
The KPMG report was well worth reading. I only skimmed through it and noticed the above.
One could only hope that this Administration gets wiped out. But we have to remember that we have a horrible Board of Education. They have shown they have no backbone and follow whatever this Administration wants. Can the state get rid of this Board and the Administration?
I think we have to give this board at least two more cycles (August and September) before we really have an understanding.
Sadly, I agree that Giacco and Cohen, follow Campbells directive. That is mostly what they are to do.
It's the others who I expect to really start questioning and sending bids back because they do not reflect the best interest of the district.
I expect them to follow up on discussions and implementations. I expect them to micro manage Campbell.
If the state is coming in now twice (audit and Special Education) it is time that our elected board members micro manage for awhile.
I am happy with the present administration overall. I have had my disagreements with Dr. Campbell in the past but overall I think they do a great job educating 11,700 students. If you look at the stats and speak to most parents and students, people are happy. No, I am not a BOE member. I am a parent of two children and one has a 504 Plan. I have never met a more compassionate group of teachers, administrators, and volunteers. I have been in the district for 15 years.
Dr. Franklin moved very quickly with all assessments for my son and the child study team was excellent and right on target. I believe you are very fortunate to have Dr. Franklin as an administrator. She has a lot of experience and knowledge in special education.
For those of you that have concerns about the kpmg audit, I share those concerns. Eventhough it is dry reading, I suggest you read it entirely before making judgements. I applaud the Inspector General for reviewing the audit and the district's finances. It will save our district from getting a forensic audit which will cost about 500k. The audit reveals what has been known for a very long time and you would also know if you attended board meetings regularly. We had a very antiquated way of doing accounting. Tom Redmond and Connie were basically working from pencil and paper for over 20 years. The past administrations spent money on programs and services for kids before financial software and other accounting tools which were considered luxuries. We just didn't have the money. Now we're getting the tools needed and will have what we need to move forward with the most accountability.
As I indicated, I am not a BOE member, but I support the board 100%. I go to many board meeting and don't always agree. However, as kathi mentioned they work very hard at a volunteer job. The negativity and poison seems to have left the board with the last two board members having expired terms and one resigning. This is an enthusiastic bunch of men and women that want the best for our community. I am sorry that many on this blog seem to have had bad experiences or see the administration and board in a very negative light. Before the bond was passed in 1999, my family made a decision that we would move to another district if the bond failed. we saw the bond failing as the district going in a direction that was not in our favor. Please consider researching other districts and see what they have to offer. Maybe Cherry Hill is not for you. I say this with all due respect. Do what is best for your family but keep your options open. After you research what other districts have to offer you may be more grateful for what you have. I have found in my life that the grass can always be greener...
To Happy with Admin, you did so well writing a respectful opinion, but you could not avoid a little bashing on the 3 people that were not the Cherry Hill Committee for All Children's candidates - S.B., N.O., and M.T. So, it would be my guess that you are a Cherry Hill Committee for All Children individual who did a ton of work and spent a great deal of money to have your people run this district. Well the ball is in your court. People are complaining here because they don't feel respected or heard otherwise.
There is a reason that the inspector general is here. Had the BOE heard the public's calls for a forensic audit, we would not have to be wondering why, as you say, "We just didn't have the money."
Please site the source of your reference to the happiness statistics.
While I would guess that many individuals do not complain very much and may even state satisfaction, they probably don't pay much attention to things at the administrative and BOE level. So if ignorance is bliss, I will stick with this complaining bunch of informed individuals.
To the Happy Little Horn Tooter for Admin:
You complained that: "The past administrations spent money on programs and services for kids before financial software and other accounting tools which were considered luxuries."
You sound dissappointed by that! Isn't that what they were suppossed to be doing - spending the money on our kids and not outrageous Admin salaries! You need new software? Cut the fat from administration!
You toot Franklin's horn for what? Because she got your kid's needs met and not the others! Yeah, there is something to be proud of!
Maybe it didn't occur to you, but the parents here in this blog, especially Kathi -- decided to take the approach that we are in this for ALL of our children. God bless her and these parents!
You said: "The negativity and poison seems to have left the board with the last 2 board members having expired terms and one resigning."
The BOE member that resigned was MT -- a huge loss to our district. He was an honest and respectable man. The other 3 (not 2) were SB, NO and AE.
My guess is that you are AE! How nice that Franklin fulfilled YOUR kid's needs since you served on the BOE and cut services for the rest!
I'll stand with Kathi and these parents anyday.
To Happy Little Horn Tooter:
First, let's address Mrs. Franklin. Is she now trying to pass herself off as a Dr? As far as I know, she doesn't have a doctorate. Let's talk about her character. I am sure she was willing to do the assessments you wanted, because she had in house consultants or staff to do it. I'll bet you those reports say exactly what she wants them to say and nothing more. Is it the Capture Theory? She will willingly give the services she can control, but If your child needs more than that , you are out of luck and your legal battles begin. And since you seem to have just gotten a 504, my advice would be to watch very carefully. Just because you've gotten what you want on paper, doesn't mean you will actually get the required services and modifications. I wish you and your child good luck.
About not having the money for software, yes I agree that administration needs to be trimmed. But what about the 7.5 (or is it 8.2)million dollar surplus, along with the 4.6 million dollar increase in this years budget? Are we not making interest on the surplus, that would cover the software? But let's deny the children of this district the needed services they require to succeed!
As far as this Board goes, I get tired of hearing that they are volunteers. Whose paying for the expensive campaigns for these volunteers. The people that are going to benefit in the long run? The tax payer needs to wake up and smell the roses? It's their hard earned money that this Board is wasting on an Administration that makes grossly excessive salaries and benefits. The Board needs to listen to their community members.
I hope the Inspector General is able to clean house in Cherry Hill.
To happy with administration:
I am glad you have had a good experience so far. I am sure there are others also. But for some of us, we have had nothing but confrontations and struggles to try to get what our children need! I too am happy with MOST of the teachers I've encountered. There are a few who just don't get it! Hopefully they will as they see the increase of children with issues, and maybe, just maybe there will be training in the future. As far as Ms. Franklin goes, last time I checked, she did not have the qualifications to be called Dr. I also have not had a good experience with her! Maybe our personalities clashed, but my child should not suffer for that. I am happy with our school and the majority of the staff there, but the people at the top need to prove their worth what they're getting paid!!
I think they are all very nice; as long as you agree with them, and don't ask for anything.
If they are so nice and you feel that admin is being successful - please highlight some of their accomplishments since they came to our district.
I can't pinpoint anything. Well maybe IB. But then again, Campbell didn't make the decision the staff did.
I would love to hear a different perspective. Please details. What exactly has this man done?
Does anyone know why Israela left was was let go of the Council Rock School District? And was she a principal (demotion) after the Special Ed Director Position in North Penn District. She also worked for NJDOE as a Mediator? GEEEZ.
Izzy left Council Rock because Dr. Campbell wanted her here.
I think he also took Reuche too. Surprising that he left Council Rock with all the top admin.
What ever happened about this complaint from the state
Does that(complaint) have anything to do with the self assessment and the recent special education survey???
So are we all moving to PA?
I would gladly sell my house right now in Cherry Hill to reap the benefits of autism care that Rendell signed into law.
Anyone else on this bandwagon?
What Autism Law that was signed in PA? I grew up in PA & might move back there.
Campbel was the SUperintendent of Uppermorland township, PA.
Franklin was the supervisor of Council Rock which is different from Uppermoreland, but she also was a director of special Ed. in Uppermorand too. FYI, Uppermoreland does not have AUTISTIC PROGRAM at all, so she just sent off the kids to private schools.
Bill 1150....Read Rendell's website. No more Campbell, Franklin, Moody,lies,disappointment, heartache....tempting.
This as nothing to do with school or learning. Nothing. If you read the bill it has to do with health plans having to cover health care for autism. please also read what "kind' of health care. These are basic needs issues. This does not apply to school at all.
The bill requires coverage for autism services up to $36K.
That would be what we know as "Related Services" such as OT, PT, Speech, possibly RDI, DIR, etc. The district has been very irreverent towards related services. So to me this is very related to education and I can see why anyone with an autistic child would be pleased.
This Bill is very much needed here to, as with autism it is a whole body approach. My insurance doesn't pay for any OT, PT, Cognitive BT, Nutritionist, Allergist, and on and on. But if my kids ever decide to be drug addicts it will pay for re-hab, LOL, isn't that something??? If these services are covered by health insurance as they should be, it will relieve tax payers in the long run, we will probably have less drug addicted Aspies and schools can focus more of their resources on education. The quality of therapy delivery will improve too. I know school districts are not spending $36,000 in therapies in school per child until they are 22 years old.
Does anyone know what's going on with the Self Assessment meeting that was to be scheduled soon? Was that all for nothing?
Please residents of Cherry Hill - come to the board meeting Aug. 12.
Ask why is Dr. Campbell getting another raise for cost of living expenses? Have you?
Why is building principal at Stockton been allowed to authorize teachers to work over the summer establishing "a council" at tax payers expense? Sorry. Building Principals should not be allowed to do this.
Ask what is happening to the computer room at Stockton. Lap top carts does not mean accessible access at any time for assisted techology in the classroom.
Why is Rosa being allowed to spend on travel and conferences for more character development? Isn't enough enough already?
More importantly, Mr. Devereaux will be talking about district finances.
I'll bring the popcorn. It sure will be an interesting show.
Marta Audino is now the director of student services in Hamilton, my district at a whopping $140,000 a year. I warned our board and they did not listen. Things are not good here at all
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